Solomon Valley windmill

Solomon Valley Chronicles

Fairview Cemetery

Fairview Cemetery has very few markers. There is a large sign listing most of the individuals buried in the unmarked graves.

Directions: From the intersection of U.S. Hwy 24 and U.S. Hwy 283 in Hill City, go north for 12 miles. Turn west on CC road. Drive two miles to 250th Ave. Turn south for one mile. Turn west and drive one-half mile, then turn north and drive up to the cemetery.

The "Other Information" column may contain information not on the marker and/or data garnered through the transcriber's research.

Surname Given Names Birth Date Death Date Other information
Baughman Boy      
Baughman Lelia      
Blodget "Grandma"      
Bowersox "Grandma"      
Bowersox Mr.      
Braynard Baby      
Calkins Baby Girl      
Calkins "Grandma"      
Clark Baby      
Coen Millie      
Culver Dale William 1899 1900  
Culver Edna Lillian 1908 1994  
Culver Harvey Ralph 1895 1896 Obit
Culver Lottie Maria 10/4/1887 8/5/1888  
Culver Lucy Maria 1868 1945  
Culver Thomas Edwin 1854 1935  
Davidson Unknown   1892  
Dooley Baby Girl      
Edinborough Estella (HazelL) 1880 1904  
Furgerson Mr.      
Gepner Baby      
Gepner Mary Sevilla (Kuhns)   1890  
Hazell Baby      
Hazell James Earl 1888 1888  
Kellog Unknown      
Mendel Dolly 1849 1926  
Mendel Peter 1837 1893  
Meyer Baby Girl      
Timma Charlotte      
Timma Christain David      
Wamsley John      
Zimmerman Mr.      

Contributor: Site-owner

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Solomon Valley Chronicles

Last updated 12 July 2024.

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