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Solomon Valley ChroniclesMarriage Records |
Atherton-Booth Mrs. S. V. Booth received word of the marriage of her granddaughter, Bernice Booth to Mr. Fred Atherton of Buena Park, California, on July 12, 1932. Mrs. Bernice Atherton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amise Booth, formerly of Lenora. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Bean-Breeden Wedding Bells At the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Breeden, Tuesday evening, May 1, at 8 o'clock, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lillian to Mr. Ernest Bean. The bride was dressed in a beautiful white silk, the groom wearing the conventional black. Rev. F. B. Beltz performing the ceremony. After the congratulations all were invited to the dinning room where they partook of a bountiful supper. Many beautiful and useful presents were given as a small token of love. Both were well and favorably known both having lived here a long time. All join in wishing them a long and happy life. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Best-Born, 14 October 1908 Chester Carl Best and Pearl I. Born were married on 14 October 1908. [Source: Marriage license issued 12 October 1908; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Born-Bullington, 8 June 1890 Thomas Madison Born and Elmira Ruhama "Ella" Bullington were married 8 June 1890 at the home of James Irwin (Ella's brother-in-law). [Source: Marriage license issued 7 June 1890; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas |
Born-Seltzer, 1 April 1917 Earl Thomas Born and Edith Belle Seltzer were married on 1 April 1917 by Rev. J. C. Day at the home of the bride's parents. [Source: Marriage license issued 30 March 1917; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Born-Straum, 4 July 1910 John Born (b. 1846) and Emma Frances "Minnie" Straum were married 4 July 1910 by J. B. Gillmore, minister. [Source: Marriage license issued 2 July 1910; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Brandel-Godard, 27 March 1888 John Brandel and Rhoda J. Godard, daughter of George C. and Lucinda O. (Earhart) Godard, were married 27 March 1888 by W. P. Donahoo, Justice of Peace, in his office. [Source: Marriage license issued 22 March 1888; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Breeden-Conklin Wedding Bells. Married at Norton Wednesday evening, Aug. 4, Miss Myrtle Conklin to Orville Breeden. Judge Sheeley spoke the words which united the two hearts for lifes journey. This young couple are in the employ of the Bon Ton restaurant and without warning to their friends drove to Norton and were quietly married returning to their work the next morning where they were showered with congratulations and wishes. The many friends of the bride and groom wish them a long and prosperous life in which the News joins. Note: "1909" was handwritten in the margin. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Burgess-Haferland The wedding of Miss Anna Dorothy Haferland and Clifford Burgess took place at high noon Wednesday, August 11, at the home of the bride. Rev. Blanding of Norton performed the ceremony which was witnessed by only the immediate relatives. Little Eva Day, niece of the bride, acted as ringbearer carrying it in a pink rose. She wore a pink voile dress. The bride was attired in a very pretty white satin dress and a veil of white tulle held by a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and asters. The groom wore a suit of midnight blue serge. The color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the decorations. Large boquets [sic] of asters and roses being used in the rooms. Mendelsohn's wedding march was played by Mollie Haferland, sister of the bride. Mrs. Burgess is the daughter of Mrs. M. K. Haferland having lived in this community all her life. She is a graduate of Lenora HIgh School of the class of 1918. Since that time she has been a valuable assistant in the Farmer's State bank. Mr. Burgess is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Burgess of Oran, Missouri, having been assistant at the Missouri Pacific Depot here the past several months. He made many friends during his stay here who wish he and his bride a long happy and prosperous life together. They left Wednesday afternoon on a honeymoon trip expecting to visit at various point in Missouri and Tennessee and will be at home after September 15 at Muscotah, Kansas, where he is employed as telegraph operator. The NEWS extends heartiest congratulations and good wishes. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Coleman-Riley Married:--Mr. Ira Coleman and Miss Barbara Riley both of this place were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Eikins in the presence of a few friends, at King's Hotel in Norton, Kansas at two o'clock p.m. wednesday September 21st. Mr. King served the party a very nice dinner. After dinner the party left for home. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman are both quite well known by all these parts and need no coment [sic] from us. They will make their home on Mr. Coleman's farm five miles southwest of town. We join their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperours journey through life. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Conkey-Long The marriage of Miss Elinora E. Long and Mr. Warren E. Conkey was solemnized Sunday, April 26th at 12:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Long. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Long and only immediate relatives and a few intimate friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Thomas. The bride wore a gown of dainty white and carried apple blossoms. The bridesmade [sic], Mrs. Emma Long, was dressed in pale blue. The Wedding March was played by Miss Minnie Goodman. A bounteous repast was served in the dining room, presided over by the Misses Eva Conkey and Minnie Goodman. mr Reed, of Norton photogrpahed some interesting groups, also the shower and wedding gifts. Warren and Nellie have grown from childhood among us. We all know and like the, and wish them all possible happiness through life. The young people will live on the old home place one and one-half miles west of town. Out of town guests present at the wedding were: Mrs. Arminda McDaniels of Randall, Kans., grandmother of the bride Miss Minnie goodman, Mr. E. b. McDaniels and Mrs. G. Bennett and family of Lenora. -- Edmond Newleaf. Note: The clipping contained a handwritten notation of 1914 in the margin. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Delp-Parker Announcements is made of the marriage of Miss Lenora Parker of Trousdale, Kas., to Jonas Delp III of Lenora, the ceremony having taken place on Monday, July 29, at Larned, Kas. Mrs. Delp grew to womanhood at Trousdale and for three years attended Southwestern College. Mr. Delp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Delp living about four miles east of Lenora, where he has been working on the farm with his father. He is a graduate of the Lenora Rural High School. Mr. and Mrs. Delp will make their home on a farm of Mrs. Delp near Trousdale. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Dreiling-Richmeier, 9 January 1906 Joseph Norman Dreiling and Anna Richmeier, daughter of Johannes and Margaret (Riedel) Richmeier, were married 9 January 1906 by Father Charles Weber of the St. Anthony Catholic Church, St. Peter at St. Peter, Kansas. [Source: Marriage license issued 28 Dec 1905; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Dunavan-Delp Engagement, 1956 Engaged-Mr. and Mrs. Jonas B. Delp of Lenora announce the engagement of their daughter Sandra Ann to Glenn R. Dunavan, son of Mrs. Dolly Dunavan of Almena. The bride-elect is a senior in Hutchinson high school. Mr. Dunavan is employed at the state sanatorium. A late May wedding is planned. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping, dated 6 January 1956, contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Edgett-McAllister wedding McAllister-Edgett Wedding June 15 Miss Pauline McAllister, Norton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McAllister of Lenora, became the bride of Ivan Edgett, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Edgett of Lenora, in a ceremoney performed Sunday, June 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones. Wedding vows were exchanged by the couple before an archway decorated with carnations and greenery. Rev. Rex Harmon, pastor of the Christian Church, officiated and read the single ring service. Charlene Martin played I Love You Truly and O Promise Me on the record player. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was dressed in a light blue suit with matching small flower trimmed hat. She wore a corsage of pink carnations. Miss Judy Comstock was maid of honor. She wore a pink dress and a corsage of pink carnations. Hubert McAllister of Lenora served as best man to the bridegroom. The bride's mother chose for her daughter's wedding a black and white silk print dress with which she wore a corsage of pink carnations. The bridegroom's mother wore a pink dress and a corsage of white carnations. A reception was given following the ceremony at the Jones home. A three-tiered wedding cake, bowls of roses and lighted candles graced the serving table. Mrs. Jones was assisted in serving by Mrs. Delia Martin and Mrs. Katie Loving. Mrs. David Thompson was in charge of the guest book. The newlyweds are now at home at 607 N. Second. The bride is employed at the Lucky Strike Grill. The bridegroom is employed on the farm of Warren Fought. He has completed his service with the United States Army. Guests at the wedding and reception were Rev. and Mrs. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Martin and Charlene of WaKeeney; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edgett of Edmond; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Comstock and Kandi; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Garrison and Glenda; Mr. and Mrs. Reece Henderson, Mrs. May Arnold, Mrs. Annie Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Corns, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Loving, Mrs. George Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cope, Mrs. David Thompson, Mrs. W. B. Spratling, Mrs. Raymond Hamilton. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Fox-Keith, 22 May 1907 Elmer Earl Fox, son of Enoch K. & Rebecca (King) Fox, and Barbara Ann Keith, daughter of Alexander and Charlot (Cormick) Keith, were married 22 May 1907 by George H. Martin, Probate Judge in his office. [Source: Marriage license issued 22 May 1907; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Garton-Palmer Lewie Garton and Miss Palmer were married at Hill City Saturday morning by the Probate Judge. They drove bach [sic] and began keeping house on the T. M. Smith farm south of Edmond, which they have rented for the next year. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Gassman-Hicks marriage, 2 July 1955 Married-S/Sgt. And Mrs. Andrew R. Gassman were married Saturday, July 2, in the garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hutcherson. The bride is the former Miss Donna Rae Hicks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Hicks of Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Gassman of Matamoras, Pa., are parents of the bridegroom. Note: A photo of the bridal couple was included with the article. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping, dated 1955, contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Godard-Toll, 1 June 1904 Cornelius Howard "Neal" Godard, son of George C. and Lucinda O. (Earhart) Godard, and Lottie Toll, daughter of Richard and Rachel (White) Toll, were married 1 June 1904 by Rev. J. G. Thompson. [Source: Marriage license issued 31 May 1904; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Goddard-Fox, 31 December 1916 Edward Paul Goddard, son of George C. and Lucinda O. (Earhart) Godard, and Katie Lou Fox, daughter of Enoch K. & Rebecca (King) Fox, were married 31 December 1916 by Rev. I. L. McKean, Methodist Episcopal minister, at the home of the bride. [Source: Marriage license issued 26 Dec 1916; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Gross-Camren, 26 October 1887 Samuel K. Gross and Ida Maine Camren, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (Roberts) Camren, were married 26 October 1887 by E. E. Damon at the residence of J. C. Stone. [Source: Marriage license on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
C. I. Griffith 60th Anniversary, 4 March 1956 Married 60 years-Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Griffith, widely known Norton pioneer couple, observed the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage Sunday, March 4, at their home. They were married March 4, 1896, at Edmond. Note: A photo of the couple was included with the article. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping, dated 29 March 1956, contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Hackney-McKie Monday last, Sept [missing] at Norton, Miss Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKie was united in marriage to Mr. Orville Hackney, of Norcatur, Rev. Drummond officiating. Pearl is known to all here as a bright and estimable young lady, and all her friends will wish her every happiness in her sphere of life. Her husband is highly spoken of by those who know him best. The young folks attended high school together, the acquaintance beginning there culminating in their wedding of Monday. Following the wedding, Mr. Hackney and his bride went to his home at Norcatur where they will keep house. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Hill-Goddard, 8 December 1901 Benjamin H. Hill, Jr., son of Benjamin and Alzina (Burge) Hill, and Hattie E. Godard, daughter of George C. and Lucinda O. (Earhart) Godard, were married 8 December 1901 at the home of the bride's mother by J. G. Thompson, Minister. [Source: Marriage license issued 7 Dec 1901; on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Hisey-Giebler, 14 July [Unknown year] Announcements were received here this week from Mr. and Mrs. Giebler of Hays of the marriage of their daughter Victoria Edith to Mr. Harold Hisey on Sunday, July 14th. They will reside in Hays where the groom is a clothing salesman in of the stores there. He was born and raised in this community, his folks moving to Lenora to live while he was in school.. Upon his graduation they moved to Hays where he attended college for two years. Friends here wish he and his bride a long happy and prosperous married life. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Holt-Trent wedding Trent-Holt Wedding Sunday, May 20 Miss Berna Trent, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Buna C. Trent, and Chester Holt, son of Mr. Mrs. Ralph Holt of Leon, were united in marriage Sunday, May 20, at 2:30 p.m., in the Immanuel Lutheran Church of Norton. The Rev. Walter H. Seefeldt officiated at the double-ring ceremony in a setting of candelabra and baskets of pink and white carnations and smilax. Mrs. Betty Nace, organist, accompanied Frederick Nace III, tenor, who sang Because and The Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Joan Wagner, soprano, sang I Love You Truly. Nancy Trent, sister of the bride, and Sally Ann Sproul were taper lighters, and wore pink and aqua nylon dresses with pink feathered carnation corsages. Don Holt, Salina, served his brother as best man. Fred Nace, jr., and Lloyd Sproul ushered. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a waltz length dress of white satin with a bouffant over-skirt of nylon tulle ruffles. She wore a white picture hat and carried a white satin covered Bible topped with a purple orchid. Her only jewelry was a gold locket, a gift of the bridegroom. Maid of honor, Miss Alice Wetter, wore a gown of aqua sheer with a white halo hat. Her corsage was of white carnations. Mrs. Trent, mother of the bride, wore a blue silk and lace dress with white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlors. Assisting were Mesdames Faie Donner, Glenna Sproul, Arlene Foss and Roxie Huffman. Miss Wendy Nace was in charge of the guest book. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home in Hays where Mr. Holt will resume his studies at the State Teachers College. Mr. Holt is a member of the faculty of the Edmond Public Schools. Out-of-town guests attending the nuptials included: Gene Foss and Mrs. Enid Foss, Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Gibson and sons, Mr. Mrs. V. M. Huffman, Mr. Mrs. Doyle Foss and family, Mr. Mrs. Herb Watson, Mr. Mrs. Dave Crawford, Mr. Mrs. Ross Miser, Mr. Mrs. Russell Wagner, Lila Grace Wagner, Mr. Mrs. O. M. Millan, Mr. Mrs. David Wagner, Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Sproul and family of EdmondMr. Mrs. Lester Adams, jr., of Belpre; Ivan V. Dack, Logan; Mrs. Walter Donner and Clara, Grace Donner, Densmore; and Mr. Mrs. C. R. Hays, Salina Note: A photo of the bridal couple was included with the article on which the year "1956" was handwritten. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Horesky-Moore wedding Moore-Horesky Nuptials Oct. 2 The Christian Church in Norton was the scene for the pretty wedding of Miss Anna Belle Moore, daughter of Mr. Mrs. A. G. Moore, of Norton, and Bill Horesky, son of Mr. Mrs. J. B. Horesky, also of Norton, on Sunday, Oct. 2 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Beauty caskets of white mums and fernery, tied with large blue satin bows, and tall Cathedral candles in double seven-branched candelabra decorated the Chancel of the church where the couple exchanged their wedding vows. Rev. Rex Harmon officiated and read the double ring ceremony. White satin bows marked the church pews. Mrs. Richard Aitken, organist, played a prelude of wedding music. She also accompanied Miss Caroline Eppinger, soloist, when she sang Because, before the ceremony. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was beautiful in a chapel length gown of frothy white nylon tulle and Chantilly lace over taffeta, designed with fitted lace bodice with the lace tapering into deep scallops down the bouffant net skirt. The jects of Chantilly lace had a small collar and long sleeves. Her fing-tip [sic] veil of sheer net fell from a coronet studed [sic] with rhinestones and seed pearls. She carried a white Bible which was topped with deep pink Sweetheart roses. Miss Marilyn Jones was maid of honor. She wore a pale blue Chapel length gown of net over taffeta and a corsage of yellow carnations. Bridesmaids were Miss Jackie Lyon of Hutchinson and Miss Esther Westfahl of Overland Park. They were dressed in blue nylon net over taffeta Chapel length gowns and wore corsages of yellow pom poms. Candlelighters were Miss Mary Pollard and Miss Sheryl Clark. They wore identical yellow formals of nylon net over taffeta and corsages of blue carnations. Mary Lou Sanborn, small niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Ed Moore, small brother of the bride, was ringbearer. Verle Ritter of Hastings, Nebr., served as best man to the bridegroom. Groomsmen were Paul Howell and Don Schiffgen, both of Norton., Alan Mesmer of Nor- [remainder of article is missing.] [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Hunter-Hake wedding Hake-Hunter marriage Nuptials June 12 [1955] In a pretty summer wedding on Sunday, June 12, at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Norton, Miss Carolyn Hake, daughter of Mr. Mrs. William E. Hake of Norton, became the bride of Lt. Donald D. Hunter, son of Mr. Mrs. Robert W. Hunter of Great Bend. Rev. Walter Seefeldt performed the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with beauty baskets of white stock and yellow Majestic daisies tied with large yellow satin bows. Cathedral candles in double seven-branched candelabra were placed on either side of the altar. Mrs. Ronnie Stanley, organist, played the traditional wedding marches. She also accompanied Dean Gearhart of Lenora, vocalist, when he sang The Lord's Prayer and O Perfect Love, during the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a chapel length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over bridal satin, fashioned with a fitted bodice, long sleeves which tapered to points over the hands and sheer illusion yoke with stand-up collar of lace. The skirt was attached to a small lace peplum and fell in tiers of nylon ruffles on the sides and was complemented with a wide Chantilly lace panel in the front and back. Her shoulder length veil of nylon tulle was held in place by a coronet of matching tulle and seed pearls. She carried a white lace covered Bible which was topped with a corsage of red sweetheart roses and cascaded with white satin streamers tied with red rosebuds. Miss Marvel Hake, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She was dressed in a yellow nylon tulle ballerina length dress with matching stole and she wore a coronet of yellow feathered carnations. She carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations on yellow net. Clede Widener of Great Bend was best man to the bridegroom. Ushers were Bill Gearhart of Hays, brother-in-law of the bride, and Darrell Hunter of Great Bend, brother of the bridegroom. They also served as candle lighters. The bride's mother chose for her daughter's wedding a pale blue sheer dress with white accessories. Mrs. Hunter wore a navy blue sheer with white accessories. Both mothers wore corsages of pink and white feathered carnations. Mrs. John Rigg of Lenora, grandmother of the bride, also had a corsage of white carnations. Immediately following the wedding a reception was given in the church parlors. The serving table was covered with an imported lace cloth and centered with a white three tiered wedding cake, topped with a miniature bride and groom and surrounded at the base with yellow daisies and greenery. Mrs. Bill Gearhart of Hays, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Darrell Hunter of Great Bend, sister-in-law of the bridegroom presided. Mrs. Glen Wilner presided at the gift table and Mrs. Ray Burnham was in charge of the guest book. After the reception, the young couple left for a short wedding [remainder missing] Note: A photo of the bridal couple was included with the article. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Mr. and Mrs. Remus Emett Jacobs Anniversary FIFTY YEARS MARRIED-Mr. and Mrs. Remus Emett Jacobs of Lenora will be at home to their relatives and friends Sunday, August 17, from 2 until 5 p.m. The reception is in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Keith-Fox, 23 December 1914 James A. Keith, son of Alexander and Charlot (Cormick) Keith, and Myrtle Ann Fox, daughter of Enoch K. & Rebecca (King) Fox, were married 23 December 1914 by Rev. C. A. Davis, pastor of the M. E. Church, at the home of E. K. Fox. [Source: Marriage license on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Larrick-Ferris John E. Larrick and Miss Nora Ferris put one over this week by going across to Smith Center and being married, following which event they went down to Kansas City for the honey moon and to visit the bride's sister. We understand they will be at home in Gaylord shortly after the 1st, when they will likely find time to send us more particulars. In the meantime we extend good wishes. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Larrick-Smith Cards received this week announce the marriage in Seattle on Wednesday, Sept. 19th, of Seywood Larrick, well known banker, to Jessie Smith. Note: Handwritten in margin "1923". [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
McLaughlin-Buttermore, 15 March [Unknown year] Bert McLaughlin Settles Down Married--At Smith Center March 15, by the Probate Judge, Bert McLaughlin of Edmond, and Miss Delia Buttermore of Cedar. We wish this worthy couple much joy and long life and prosperity. Bert is an energetic young farmer of Norton coutny; while the bride is a talented young lady reared in this vicinity and for the past three months one of Stephenson's telephone girls. Girls all you got to do if you want to get married is work at the Phone office. Two more prospective candidates are yet left at the office. The happy couple was given a wedding shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, after which came the charge of the light artillery supported by the tin pan brigade.--Cedar Enterprise. Miss Buttermore will be remembered by Edmond people as one of the Cedar people who played in Captain Racket at the schoolhouse here some time back, when under the stage name of Frances Dillon, she played the part of Katy, a housemaid. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Meyer-Nauman Russ-Davis Two More Couple Miss Susan Nauman went to Norton June 14th, accompanied by Mr. Lester Meyer, their objective being the office of the probate judge and their intentions matrimony. WIth the aid of the judge they were properly joined as man and wife. The young folks are well known here and all will join in the best of wishes for their happiness. Three days later, on the 17th, Mrs. Jean Davis of here, and Freeman R. Russ of Lenora, also called on the same Probate Judge and were united in wedlock. They went direct to the Horace Russ farm four miles southeast of Lenora. Congratulations to these also. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Mindrup-Allen Engagement ENGAGED-Clarence W. Allen of Lenora announces the engagement of his daughter Betty Lou to Bernard J. Mindrup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benny Mindrup of New Almelo. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Lenora Rural High School and has been employed at the Exchange Bank of Lenora for the last five years. Mr. Mindrup is employed by the Sharp Construction Co. The wedding date has not been set. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping, dated 29 March 1958, contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Mullen-Conner, 20 July 1904 On Wednesday morning, at ten o'clock, July 20, 1904, at St. Mary's church, Father Varnholt officiating, occurred the beautiful marriage ceremony whereby Kathryn Cecil Connor and Cal Mullen were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock. The church was artistically decorated resembling an arch. The bride was dressed in cream colored crepe de chine over cream silk. The bridesmaid, Mis Margaret Gertrude Connor, a sister to the bride, was dressed in white organdy. After the ceremony they all returned to the bride's home where a bounteous wedding feast was served. They received many beautiful and useful presents in the evening, and the next day the happy couple started for St. Louis on their wedding tour. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Earl Personett's Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Earl Personett To Celebrate Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Earl Personett will be celebrating their Golden Anniversary April 22, 1973. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Personett will host a reception in honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, April 22 at the United Parish Church in Lenora from 2:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Personett were married April 22, 1923 in Lenora by the Rev. W. E. Dull and have continued to make their home here for the 50 years. They have one daughter, Gloria Heikes, her husband Donald and three grandchildren: Kevin, Bryce and Neva. You are invited to attend the open house. No gifts please. [Source: Unidentified newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Plymatt-Sanborn Invitations were printed by this shop and are now out announcing the marriage of Miss Fern Plymatt to Mr. John A. Sanborn. The happy event will occur on the evening of the 24th at the bride's home east of town. Note: Handwritten in the margin was 1913. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Reeder-Sines Reedy-Sines Charlie Reeder [sic Reedy], of Edmond, and Miss Maud Sines, of Lenora, were united in holy wedlock at Hill City, Kansas, on Monday August 1, 1904. After the wedding a sumptuous feast was prepared for the young couple at the home of the bride's parents, of which many of their nearest friends participated. The occasion was on the bride's 22nd birthday. The News joins their many friends in extending congratulations and wishing them a happy journey through life. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Rhode-Delp Miss Rosetta V. Delp, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Delp, was married yesterday morning to David S. Rhode, of Tampa, Marion county, Kansas, the ceremony being solemnized at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Wood, of Lenora, officiated. The bride was dressed in a beautiful robe of white crepe de chene and the groom was attired in a suit of dark blue. The home was decorated with pink and white carnations. The wedding was a quiet affair, none but immediate relatives of the bride being present to witness the ceremony and to enjoy the elegant feast prepared for the occasion. The happy young couple left immediately for Norton where they took the train for their future home at Tampa. The bride wore a traveling suit of gray with pure white furs. The best wishes of the community go with them. Note: "Jan. 11, 1911" handwritten in margin. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Saum-Bolin At Orton Wednesday of this week occurred the wedding of Miss Lota M. Bolin of Edmond and Mr. Earl Saum of Lenora. The ceremony was performed by Probate Judge Sheely. The bride is very highly spoken of and very popular with all who knew her at Edmond where she was grown from childhood. "Babe" Saum as he is called is too well known to need any comment from us. He has grown from boyhood here among our people and is popular with all the young people as well as his seniors. The young couple returned to Lenora last evening and will go to keeping house at once in the G. M. Winter property at the corner of Fulton Street and Kansas Ave. The News joins with their many friends in wishing them all the joy and blessings of this life and may they be happy and prosperous as they sail along the matrimonial sea. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Sproul-Norrish Glenn Sproul and Miss Mae Norrish were married yesterday at Logan, and left for a honeymoon in Colorado. By the end of the month they expect to be at home on the Sproul farm southeast of town, where they will farm. These young folks are known to all here and are universally liked. The New Leaf joins in best wishes for their happiness throughout life's voyage. From the Logan Republican we copy the follwoing story of the wedding: "The wedding of Miss Mae Norrish, eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Norrish of this city, to Mr. Glen Sproul of Edmond, was solemnized yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. C. P. Broadfoot officiating, in the presence of a few invited friends and relatives. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served. The bride is so well known to the people of Logan and vicinity that any introduction from us would be useless. Here she grew to a beautiful womanhood, a graduate of the Logan H. S., later a teacher in the rural schools of the county. She then held a position as bookkeeper fot the Logan Farmers Union. Resigning here, she accepted a similar position with the Edmond Union, and she made good at both places. Wile we are not personally acquainted with the groom, we hear him highly spoken of as a model young man and a farmer of the Edmond vicinity, and he is to be heartily congratulated in his choice of one of Logan's fairest daughters. the young couple will commence housekeeping at once on the farm owned by the groom's father near Edmond. We wish them the best this life can offer in their marital relations. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Teeter-Wyscaver Miss Maggie Wyscaver and Aubrey Teeter were married last Sunday at Hill City, and Monday night a shower party was given the newlyweds. We understand the young folks will make their home at Russell,, where the groom has secured work in the oil fields. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Thompson-Wyscaver Leisl Thompson, the son of Charley Thompson, and Miss Nora Wyscaver were united in marriage at Hill City yesterday, returning last night to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wyscaver. Both of these estimable young people are well known and liked here and will be wished all the good things in life in their voyage over the matrimonial seas. [Source: Undated newspaper clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Wills-Stuenkel Miss Esther Stuenkel and Robert Wills Married Miss Esther Stuenkel, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stuenkel and Roy Wills only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wills, were married Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at the bride's home, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. E. Dull, Congregational minister. No o ne was present but the immediate relatives. Following the ceremony a delicious lunch was served after which all went to the home the groom recently purchased and was all ready for them to live in. the bride and groom were born and raised in this community so are well and favorably known and have many friends who extend best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous life together. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |
Woodside-Gross, 19 July 1893 Marion Columbus Woodside and Ida Maine (Camren) Gross, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth (Roberts) Camren, were married 19 July 1893 by E. E. Damon at the resident of J. C. Stone. [Source: Marriage license on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Woodside-Jones, 31 January 1940 Chester Lee Woodside, son of Marion Columbus & Ida M. (Camren) Woodside, and A. Lois Jones were married 31 January 1940 by E. L. McClure, Probate Judge. [Source: Marriage license on file at Graham County Clerk of the District Court office, Hill City, Kansas.] |
Zimmerman-Sweet The expected has happened. Thursday last Commodore Zimmerman went to the county seat and invested in one of those marriage licenses. That same evening he escorted Miss Lydia Sweet to the preacher at Lenora and then escorted her home again as Mrs. Zimmerman Junior. Both are well known to all here and best wishes of all go out for their future prosperity and happiness. We understand they have rented the Gerrish farm where George Dove was and will be housekeeping there a week from next Saturday. [Source: Undated clipping contained in a scrapbook kept by Nora Sanborn; now owned by Src #18 who granted permission for use on Solomon Valley Chronicles.] |