as the most practical of any off- ered in this years curriculum. L.R.H.S. is indeed fortunate in being able to secure her services for the coming school year.
Ruth Cleland
L.R.H.S. is expecting to have a very good orchestr this year.
Although this is the first year in the orchestr for several of the students, they are willing to work and Miss Hussey, who is directing their efforts is helping them all she can.
At present the orchestr consists of the following members and the instrument each plays;
Dorothy Crans, Pauline Gai- ther, Carl Zohner, Harold Hisey, Hall Hendricks, Joe Bennett, Florence Branum, Anna Miller, Edwin Heatherinton, Melva Swinton, Ralph Niehaus, Mel- vin Breeden, Clifford Hinkle, Alma Bull.
Albert Georgeson, Walter Hin kle, Harold Swinton, Carl penter, Chester Cramer, For- rest Volkel, Arnold Hendricks, Lawrence Sargent, Helen Heath- erington.
Farrell Webb, Bruce Rich- mond, Virgil Barbo, Ernest Goodman.
Fred Smika Albert Clydesdale Ross Barbo.
Flute; Lucile Jackson
George Cutting, Ivan Bozarth, Arthur Cramer.
Mellophone; Frances Born.
Helen Bennett, Ruth Hisey, Velma Scot.
Eb Alto; Edward Crans.
Drums; Charles Tillotson.
Ruby Carson, '24
One of the aims of this years physics class is to learn about the different kinds of machinery The five divisions that will be studied are mechanics, neat, electricity, sound and light. The class is made up of junior nor- mals and seniors. The follow- ing are enrolled in the class;
Junior Normals; Ruby Carson Violet Gibson, Florence Bates, Iris Reedy, maude Schneider, Alice Phipps, Anna Miller, Har- old Swinton, Chester Cramer, Walter Hnkle and Helen Heatherington.
Seniors: Forrest Volkel, Mel- vin Breeden, Joe Bennett, Cliffl ord Hinkle, and Albert Clydesdale.
Prof Dillon has charge of the class.
Helen Heatherington, '24
Millie Fuller was absent from school last week on account of illness but is back again now.