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Solomon Valley ChroniclesHill City Cemetery |
This transcript is based on both the directory as well as information garnered from obituaries, by walking the cemetery and the personal research of the transcriber. I have tried to be as accurate as possible and to not list living individuals. However, I am human, so mistakes happen. If you find an error or a living individual, please let me know so I can correct it. Due to the size of the cemetery, the transcription has been broken into three sections.
Page 1, surnames A through G
Page 2, surnames H through O
Page 3, surnames P through Z
Jump to surnames beginning with the following letter:
The "Other Information" column may contain information not on the marker as well as data garnered through the transcriber's research. Photos and inscriptions will be added in the future.
Please read the Good Neighbor Philosophy regarding use of this transcription and photos.
Surname | Given Names | Birth Date | Death Date | Inscription | Other information |
Hackerott | Adolph F. | 1868 | 9/2/1946 |   | |
Hackerott | Dora H. | 2/3/1850 | 1/30/1924 | ||
Hale | Charity | 8/10/1843 | 1/20/1908 | ||
Hale | Elsie | 3/29/1908 | |||
Hall | Everett Edward | 10/7/1924 | 3/4/1925 | ||
Hall | Jesse A. | 2/22/1896 | 1/23/1973 | Same stone as Marie. | |
Hall | Johnny | 5/20/1890 | |||
Hall | Lester James | 1918 | 8/16/1972 | ||
Hall | Marie W. | 4/13/1898 | 2/24/1993 | Same stone as Jesse. | |
Hall | Richard | 1887 | |||
Ham | Jess J. | 1885 | 6/2/1967 | ||
Ham | Mary B. | 1886 | 1963 | ||
Hamilton | Florence | 9/8/1893 | |||
Hamm | Howard Henry | 4/25/1947 | 3/25/1949 | ||
Hammitt | Austin Lewis | 1/30/1893 | Obit | ||
Hanberger | Emma C. | 8/18/1928 | 10/15/1928 | ||
Hancock | Faith | ||||
Hanna | Stillborn baby | 12/9/1907 | 12/9/1907 | ||
Hannah | J | ||||
Hardman | Albert Douglas "Doug" | 1942 | 2018 | Doug was the son of LaVergne and Irv Hardman. | |
Hardman | Albertine LaVergne (Kobler) | 3/19/1917 | 2/10/2013 | Irv married LaVergne Kobler July 23, 1938 | Same stone as Irv Hardman. |
Hardman | Boyce P. | 9/19/1913 | 8/15/1985 | ||
Hardman | Clara (Sanford) | 10/3/1891 | 2/11/1969 | ||
Hardman | Gregory Lee | 11/25/1957 | Son of Irv & LaVergne | ||
Hardman | Irv | 7/23/1916 | 2/4/1995 | Irv married LaVergne Kobler July 23, 1938 | Same stone as LaVergne Hardman. |
Hardman | Rebecca Ian | 3/18/1939 | Daughter of Irv & LaVergne | ||
Harrell | Earl Elmo | 4/14/1904 | 2/2/1971 | ||
Harrell | Jae Dean | 12/5/1982 | 6/2/2007 | At peace | |
Harrell | James Earl | 5/22/1942 | 4/9/1998 | PFC US Army | |
Harrell | Kenneth Mark | 8/27/1947 | 4/6/1998 | Son Brother Uncle | |
Harris | Archie Henry | 10/25/1901 | 9/16/1902 | Aged 10 mos. 22 Days; Budded on Earth to bloom in Heaven | Obit |
Harris | Arlie Elwood | 7/3/1899 | 1/24/1973 | Married June 3, 1916 | Same stone as Eva J. (Nordyke) Harris. |
Harris | Claude Doyle | 7/22/1934 | 3/6/1935 | ||
Harris | David Wayne | 4/9/1959 | 1/23/2010 | ||
Harris | Donald E. | 8/10/1924 | 6/21/1949 | Double marker; only half inscribed. Son of Arlie and Eva (Nordyke) Harris. | |
Harris | Eva | 10/3/1911 | |||
Harris | Eva Jean (Nordyke) | 4/1/1900 | 1/23/1983 | Married June 3, 1916 | Same stone as husband Arlie Harris. |
Harris | Flora D. | 2/26/1870 | 10/25/1951 | Mother | Death year has not been inscribed on marker. Birth and death dates from cemetery records. Same stone as husband John Harris. |
Harris | Florence | 6/13/1908 | 7/8/1930 | ||
Harris | James H. | 2/2/1843 | 11/18/1921 | Co. E 13 Kans. Inf | No dates on marker. |
Harris | John H. | 1872 | 1941 | Father | Same stone as wife Flora Harris. |
Harris | Matilda | 6/22/1849 | 2/16/1913 | ||
Harris | Sovilla | 10/28/1847 | 10/3/1917 | Mother | Same person as listing for Sovilla Hetzel. |
Harris | William | ||||
Harrison | George | 2/20/1845 | 5/17/1922 | ||
Harrison | Owen G. | 12/7/1906 | 12/31/1906 | ||
Hart | J. M. | 2/17/1906 | |||
Harvey | Everett L. | 11/14/1928 | 5/3/1996 | ||
Harvey | Ilene | 7/13/1932 | 9/18/2015 | ||
Harwi | Henry J. | 1/19/1958 | 6/13/1907 | ||
Harwi | Jacob | ||||
Hasselbring | Delbert O. | 6/25/1957 | 6/25/1957 | ||
Hastings | (Infant) | 11/7/1908 | 1/6/1909 | ||
Hatcher | Ethel E. | 12/11/1901 | 12/3/1913 | ||
Hatcher | Joseph G. | 6/12/1905 | 8/21/1924 | ||
Hawk | Clarence E. | ||||
Hawkins | Homer E. | 1893 | |||
Hays | Ila | 6/6/1928 | 1/20/1928 | ||
Hays | John E. "Baby Boy" | 3/28/1927 | 3/28/1927 | ||
Hazel | Bessie Thornton | 1/19/1885 | 11/24/1907 | ||
Heaton | Blanche A. | 5/23/1892 | 9/24/1893 | Obit | |
Heaton | Stella P. | 5/24/1881 | 7/29/1899 | ||
Hebert | Elnora C. | 12/15/1871 | 11/4/1944 | Married 11/19/1894 | Same stone as Henry Hebert. |
Hebert | Henry F. | 9/12/1869 | 1/27/1966 | Married 11/19/1894 | Same stone as Elnora Hebert. |
Hedge | Darlene Kae | 10/29/1956 | 10/31/1956 | Our baby; In God's hands; Until we meet again. | |
Hedge | Guy E. | 1892 | 5/6/1952 | Husband of Okie (Brown) Hedge. | |
Hedge | Harvey A. | 5/22/1920 | 6/20/1965 | ||
Hedge | Harvey T. | 12/7/1863 | 12/30/1930 | Father | Same stone as wife Jennie (Main) Hedge. |
Hedge | Jennie M. (Main) | 5/23/1861 | 4/5/1939 | Mother | Same stone as husband Harvey T. Hedge. |
Hedge | Lawrence Guy | 7/19/1917 | 10/30/1989 | Married Jan. 13, 1941; Together 48 years; Parents of Barbara, Virginia, Judy, Jerry, Darlene | Same stone as Peggy Hedge. |
Hedge | Leo F. | 3/20/1889 | 12/23/1928 | ||
Hedge | Lester | ||||
Hedge | Okie B. (Brown) | 1895 | 7/11/1981 | Daughter of George and Martha (Zimmerman) Brown; wife of Guy Hedge. | |
Hedge | Orval | ||||
Hedge | Peggy Gene (Knox) | 2/5/1924 | 7/16/2003 | Married Jan. 13, 1941; Together 48 years; Parents of Barbara, Virginia, Judy, Jerry, Darlene | Same stone as Lawrence Hedge. Obit |
Hedge | Wanda Louise | 8/15/1919 | 7/21/1988 | ||
Hefner | Georgia Mae (Wheeler) | 4/24/1888 | 1/26/1919 | ; | Obit |
Helm | Fred C. | 4/12/1889 | 7/21/1911 | ||
Hendershot | Arthur | 8/4/1897 | 8/12/1974 | Same stone as Edith Hendershot. | |
Hendershot | Edith H. | 10/14/1900 | 10/26/1900 | Same stone as Arthur Hendershot. | |
Henderson | Esther Irene (Worcester) | 1921 | 1988 | ||
Henderson | John F. | 7/27/1906 | |||
Henderson | M. A. | 5/1920 | |||
Henderson | Mary B. | 12/25/1859 | 4/18/1891 | ||
Henderson | Rovenia Mildred (Johnston) | 1/24/1914 | Cemetery records has her as "Lavina". Obit | ||
Henderson | William H. | 12/5/1887 | 8/4/1929 | ||
Hess | Bertha | 1/29/1870 | 7/7/1956 | ||
Hess | Jacob | 9/21/1919 | Obit | ||
Hess | Walter | 8/2/1892 | 10/22/1918 | ||
Hetzel | Dorothy May | 1/8/1925 | 1/8/1925 | ||
Hetzel | J. M. | 5/17/1837 | 2/28/1907 | At rest | |
Hetzel | Sovilla | 10/28/1847 | 10/3/1917 | Mother | Same person as listing for Sovilla Harris. |
Hetzel | William J. | 1876 | 8/15/1921 | ||
Higer | Eda M. | 1877 | 5/7/1961 | ||
Higer | Loree Marilyn | 9/1/1940 | 9/1/1940 | ||
Higer | Lydia | 2/23/1906 | 6/18/1991 | ||
Higer | Vernon W. | 10/24/1903 | 9/12/1989 | ||
Higer | William H. | 3/31/1875 | 11/19/1952 | ||
Higinbotham | John | 5/18/1822 | 2/18/1891 | ||
Higinbotham | Smith | 8/15/1870 | 9/17/1891 | ||
Hiibel | Caroline | 6/10/1833 | 5/16/1906 | Same stone as Peter Hiibel. | |
Hiibel | Peter | 3/24/1828 | 2/3/1904 | Same stone as Caroline Hiibel. | |
Hill | (Infant) | 11/11/1910 | 11/11/1910 | ||
Hill | Frank P. | 7/13/1906 | 12/31/1911 | ||
Hill | Hannah Birdie | 1/8/1880 | 5/8/1886 | Our Birdie; Dau of W. R. & L. Hill; Aged 6 y. 4 m. | |
Hill | Liddy | Aunt | Vernacular marker. | ||
Hill | W. R. | 6/23/1849 | 2/21/1905 | Founder of Hill City 1877 | |
Hill | Wm. Floyd | 10/7/1883 | 2/17/1953 | ||
Hisey | Edna M. | 10/19/1982 | Mother | Obit. | |
Hisey | Everett Edgar | 2/26/1971 | Father | Son of Louis & Clara Hisey. | |
Hisey | Lyle Martin | 6/6/1927 | 7/25/1951 | ||
Hix | E. Phyllis Joann | 3/9/1928 | 7/16/1980 | ||
Hix | Gordon Wayne | 9/9/1924 | 12/14/1996 | ||
Hix | John W. | 4/7/1962 | 4/7/1962 | ||
Hocker | Charles | 3/23/1878 | 7/19/1966 | ||
Hocker | Dorothy | 3/18/1985 | |||
Hocker | Ethel | 1/19/1896 | 11/7/1983 | ||
Hocker | George | 5/23/1876 | 1/27/1933 | ||
Hocker | Konrad | 12/13/1825 | 4/28/1917 | ||
Hocker | Walter F. | 1/23/1913 | 1/14/1947 | ||
Hodson | Bonnie Lou Rea | 10/4/1898 | 6/8/1954 | Same stone as Roy Irl Hodson. | |
Hodson | Earl A. | 7/8/1923 | 10/3/1970 | Same stone as Virginia Hodson. Also military marker: Kansas; TM2 US Navy; World War II | |
Hodson | Opal May | 12/3/1914 | 9/6/1915 | ||
Hodson | Roy Irl | 5/6/1889 | 6/14/1968 | Same stone as Bonnie Lou Rea Hodson. | |
Hodson | Virginia A. | 6/25/1925 | 10/11/1985 | Same stone as Earl Hodson. | |
Hogan | Hannah | 2/11/1850 | 5/10/1927 | ||
Hogue | Bessie | 10/14/1884 | 8/9/1886 | Dau of H. S. & A. F.; Gone but not forgotten | Obit |
Holmes | James | 1856 | 9/2/1939 | Same stone as Mary Holmes. | |
Holmes | James Guy | 5/9/1891 | 8/28/1969 | Same stone as Laura Holmes. Obit. | |
Holmes | L. Louise | 5/6/1903 | 5/25/1991 | ||
Holmes | Laura E. | 6/23/1888 | 12/3/1960 | Same stone as James Guy Holmes. | |
Holmes | Lee M. | 1902 | 6/18/1978 | ||
Holmes | Mary Janette | 1855 | 1943 | Same stone as James Holmes (b. 1856). | |
Holmes | Minnie B. | 11/8/1869 | 1928 | ||
Holmes | William H. | 9/18/1859 | 4/29/1903 | ||
Holroyd | Hannah | 5/29/1852 | 7/27/1942 | ||
Hook | Isabelle | 4/18/1831 | 1/30/1898 | Newspaper item | |
Horn | Gladys (Keith) | 10/29/1933 | 7/12/2003 | ||
Horn | Harold B. | 6/20/1909 | 11/23/1909 | ||
Howard | Mary | 9/16/1859 | 2/19/1947 | ||
Howe | Emma J. | 10/13/1855 | 9/16/1920 | ||
Hoyt | Lowell Eugene | 12/11/1958 | 12/11/1958 | ||
Hrabe | Jennifer Dee | 9/25/1975 | 9/25/1975 | ||
Hughes | William | 11/23/1913 | |||
Hull | Jesse A. | 2/22/1896 | 1/23/1973 | ||
Hummell | George | 9/17/1915 | |||
Humphrey | Robert | ||||
Hundley | Gladys Gay | 5/5/1916 | 11/7/1916 | Our darling; Baby | |
Hunsicker | Helen Maude | 2/11/1889 | 5/28/1946 | ||
Hunsicker | Owen | 5/7/1886 | 1/6/1982 | ||
Hunt | Betsy | 2/22/1818 | 5/30/1904 | ||
Hunt | Harvey B. | 1/4/1850 | 12/6/1918 | ||
Hunter | Agnes M. | 4/4/1900 | 9/30/1935 | ||
Hunter | Clarence H. | 3/13/1904 | 10/18/1993 | Son of John Simon and Mary (McCoy) Hunter. | |
Hunter | Dolleita Joy (Wathen) | 11/12/1939 | 10/22/2008 | Mortuary marker. | |
Hunter | Everett Lee | 1930 | 6/22/1948 | ||
Hunter | Frank | 1945 | Son of John Simon and Mary (McCoy) Hunter. | ||
Hunter | John Simon | 8/28/1883 | 4/14/1930 | Husband of Mary Ann McCoy. Obit | |
Hunter | Kent Eugene | 11/16/1956 | 7/27/2007 | Mortuary marker. | |
Hunter | Mary Ann (McCoy) | 4/16/1869 | 5/17/1942 | Daughter of Jehu and Elizabeth (Wyatt) McCoy; wife of John Simon Hunter. | |
Hunter | Minnie E. | 11/16/1902 | 2/23/1986 | ||
Hunter | Ralph | 7/17/1895 | 4/1/1977 | Son of John Simon and Mary (McCoy) Hunter. | |
Hunter | Robert | 3/23/1900 | 5/25/1970 | Son of John Simon and Mary (McCoy) Hunter. | |
Hunter | Robert Kerel | 1/12/1934 | 1/26/2005 | ||
Hunter | Ruby Mae | 12/23/1987 | |||
Hunter | Sarah D. | 11/25/1842 | 6/30/1880 | ||
Hunter | Vernon Eugene | 11/22/1931 | 1/8/1992 | ||
Hutchinson | Ida M. | 4/12/1880 | 7/14/1906 | ||
Hutton | (Infant) | 8/29/1917 | 8/19/1917 | Infant of Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Hutton; Our baby | |
Hutton | Belle (Workman) | 8/27/1858 | 3/24/1927 | His wife | Same stone as husband Solomon Hutton. |
Hutton | Cecil | 5/14/1874 | 11/19/1929 | Same stone as wife Mina (Neal) Hutton. Son of Solomon and Belle (Workman) Hutton. | |
Hutton | Clair C. | 3/14/1902 | 3/18/1992 | Father | Same stone as wife Esther (Hatcher) Hutton & son Clair Hutton, Jr. Son of Cecil and Mina (Neal) Hutton. |
Hutton | Clair C., Jr. | 8/14/1922 | 5/15/1945 | Son | Same stone as parents Clair & Esther (Hatcher) Hutton. Also military marker: Kansas; Pfc 559 Sig Bn; World War II |
Hutton | Esther W. (Hatcher) | 1903 | 12/7/1970 | Mother | Same stone as husband Clair Hutton & son Clair Hutton, Jr. Daughter of Frederick and Mary Alice (Hilton) Hatcher. Obit |
Hutton | Hilton | 9/28/1929 | |||
Hutton | Joan (Cokley) | 7/27/1927 | 3/8/2013 | ||
Hutton | Marie E. (Smith) | 1882 | 12/8/1958 | Daughter of B. F. and Harriett Smith. First husband was Bert Oren Sproul. Second husband was Solomon Hutton (his second wife). | |
Hutton | Mina A. (Neal) | 1882 | 1965 | Same stone as husband Cecil Hutton. Daughter of Levi and Tryphena (Crane) Neal. | |
Hutton | Solomon | 2/6/1856 | 1/26/1945 | Same stone as first wife Belle (Workman) Hutton. Second wife was Marie (Smith) Sproul. | |
Inlow | Arthur C. | 1866 | 9/12/1949 | ||
Inlow | Chester Allen "Garfield" | 9/29/1880 | 3/30/1939 | Same stone as Laura Inlow. | |
Inlow | Frances Jeanette | 8/2/1836 | 7/30/1934 | Mother | Same stone as John Inlow. |
Inlow | John | 1820 | 1882 | Father | Same stone as Frances Inlow. |
Inlow | Laura E. | 12/27/1885 | 12/28/1966 | Mother | Same stone as Garfield Inlow. |
Inlow | Orville A. | 1870 | 7/13/1893 | ||
Inlow | Raymond E. | 1873 | 6/6/1950 | ||
Irwin | Baby Boy | 12/11/1925 | 12/11/1925 | Lot 6-6-15, owned by E. P. Irwin. | |
Irwin | Ernest Preston | 12/8/1897 | 10/15/1977 | Married May 7, 1921 | Same stone as wife Ina (McVey) Irwin. Son of Jared P. & Sarah (Bullington) Irwin. Also military marker: Pfc US Army; World War I |
Irwin | Ina M. (McVey) | 8/15/1897 | 11/16/1971 | Married May 7, 1921 | Same stone as husband Ernest Irwin. Daughter of Arthur and Ella (Cummings) McVey. |
Irwin | James Francis | 3/9/1906 | 3/12/1906 | Son of Frank & Elizabeth (Welty) Irwin. | |
Irwin | Jared Preston | 1852 | 10/21/1940 | Husband of Sarah (Bullington) Irwin. | |
Irwin | Robert Layton | 1/4/1920 | 6/30/1921 | Son of Frank & Elizabeth (Welty) Irwin. | |
Irwin | Sarah Alice (Bullington) | 1859 | 4/12/1938 | Wife of Jared Irwin; daughter of David & Margaret (Skeels) Bullington. | |
Irwin | Vera (Dutner) | ||||
Irwin | Warren | Son of Ernest and Ina (McVey) Irwin. | |||
Jackson | Amanda Jane (Glenn) | 4/5/1841 | 7/14/1935 | Wife of John Madison Jackson. Obit | |
Jackson | Bettie | 3/27/1875 | 9/17/1892 | Same stone as Chrystena (Jackson) Burris. | |
Jackson | Blanche | 5/13/1885 | 10/29/1895 | Same stone as Chrystena (Jackson) Burris. | |
Jackson | Ella Mae | 1911 | 7/26/1982 | ||
Jackson | Everett F. "Chuck" | 2/23/1939 | 6/22/2007 | Same stone as Mary L. Jackson. Obit | |
Jackson | Everett H. | 1908 | 1963 | ||
Jackson | George S. | 6/5/1883 | 9/28/1887 | Same stone as Chrystena (Jackson) Burris. | |
Jackson | Irvin | 5/5/1921 | 1/31/1922 | ||
Jackson | John Benjamin | 1875 | 1956 | ||
Jackson | John H. | 8/24/1889 | 10/1/1889 | Same stone as Chrystena (Jackson) Burris. | |
Jackson | John Madison | 6/4/1841 | 8/4/1920 | Husband of Amanda (Glenn) Jackson. Obit | |
Jackson | Katie M. | 1869 | 4/15/1950 | ||
Jackson | Kenneth | 4/3/1943 | 4/22/1989 | ||
Jackson | Lilla M. | 1882 | 3/22/1951 | ||
Jackson | Lula | 2/15/1877 | 11/7/1879 | Same stone as Chrystena (Jackson) Burris. | |
Jackson | Maria L. "Mary" | 3/26/1947 | 1/11/2017 | Same stone as Everett F. Jackson | |
Jackson | May | 4/5/1889 | 10/10/1889 | ||
Jackson | Melvin C. | 3/20/1912 | 1/9/1991 | ||
Jackson | Opal E. | 10/3/1915 | |||
Jackson | Richard | Buried in lot owned by John Madison Jackson. | |||
Jackson | Robert L. | 7/29/1878 | 11/24/1932 | ||
Jackson | Romana A. | 5/23/1933 | 8/23/1934 | ||
Jackson | Zana Faye | 11/17/1950 | 11/19/1950 | Inf dau of Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Jackson | |
Jacobs | Christine Gail | 4/30/1964 | 6/29/1974 | ||
Jacobs | Kenneth B. | 1911 | |||
Jacobs | Ruby Lee | 1915 | 5/17/1986 | ||
James | Clara Ellen | 12/16/1886 | 11/4/1934 | ||
James | Loyd Bert | 10/6/1894 | 11/6/1952 | ||
Jarrett | Elmo | 1912 | 1995 | Husband | |
Jarrett | Wilma May | 1912 | 1980 | Beloved wife | |
Jenkins | Altie | 7/5/1903 | 1/5/1907 | ||
Jenkins | Blanche Sanford | 9/5/1889 | 10/16/1918 | Obit | |
Jenkins | Eva L. | 1868 | 10/1935 | Mother | Same stone as John Jenkins. |
Jenkins | Hattie Lucille | 12/16/1905 | 8/16/1906 | Infant daughter of J. W. & E. L. Jenkins | |
Jenkins | John W. | 2/7/1855 | 4/27/1922 | Father | Same stone as Eva Jenkins. |
Jewitt | Jay | 7/17/1899 | 9/13/1901 | ||
Johnson | Alta Bernice | 3/18/1895 | 7/17/1932 | ||
Johnson | Betty L. (Strong) | 4/16/1924 | 8/28/2008 | Mother | Same stone as Eugene and Frank Johnson. Daughter of Folsom (Born) Strong. Obit |
Johnson | Brainard | 1886 | 10/22/1947 | ||
Johnson | Cordelia | 4/3/1873 | 3/2/1908 | ||
Johnson | Emma C. | 5/4/1882 | 5/1957 | ||
Johnson | Eugene V. | 2/12/1921 | 5/8/2006 | Father | Same stone as Betty and Frank Johnson. Military plague attached: Tec 4 US Army; World War II |
Johnson | Frank W. | 4/29/1950 | 12/10/2003 | Son | Same stone as Betty and Eugene Johnson. |
Johnson | George Willis | 1889 | 1961 | ||
Jones | David N. | 5/20/1802 | 4/23/1891 | ; | Obit |
Jones | Edna F. | 1893 | 1985 | ||
Jones | George W. | 3/9/1859 | 4/7/1908 | Obit | |
Jones | Gertrude May | 2/28/1875 | 2/23/1978 | ||
Jones | Grace Irene | 1/6/1909 | 5/29/1981 | ||
Jones | Infant Son | 7/1921 | He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones. | ||
Jones | Jesse L. | 1889 | 10/1948 | ||
Jones | Sarah (Taylor) | 4/1/1817 | 2/28/1900 | ||
Jones | Wilber Jackson | 7/13/1893 | 12/10/1943 | Kansas; Pvt. 1 Cl. 55 Coast Arty. | |
Jones | William Eugene | 6/24/1907 | 3/25/1954 | Obit | |
Jordan | Abby M. | 8/1/1845 | 9/1/1917 | Obit | |
Jordan | Freeman B. | 3/8/1837 | 8/9/1921 | ||
Jordan | Wanda Maxine | 2/13/1925 | 3/1/1925 | Inf. dau. of W. I. Jordan | |
Justus | Agnes M. | 1881 | 12/1943 | ||
Justus | James | 8/11/1838 | 3/18/1920 | Obit | |
Justus | Lillie B. | 6/5/1880 | 10/9/1897 | ||
Justus | Mary J. (Herron) | 6/22/1843 | 8/16/1909 | ||
Justus | Wade W. | 1877 | 1939 | ||
Justus | William Wade | 6/20/1914 | 11/9/1983 | ||
Kachel | Lottie M. | 5/7/1907 | 7/6/1996 | ||
Kachel | Vernie W. | 8/18/1904 | 2/17/1952 | ||
Kackley | Bertha | 2/14/1973 | |||
Kackley | Nellie S. | 6/1/1860 | 7/25/1925 | ||
Kackley | Oscar B. | 1856 | 3/1947 | Same stone as Ruth Kackley. | |
Kackley | Ruth H. | 1893 | 3/10/1969 | Same stone as O. B. Kackley. | |
Kaley | James | 4/11/1848 | 8/27/1936 | ||
Kaley | Mary Catherine | 11/26/1853 | 11/13/1927 | ||
Kallenbach | Agnes | 8/1/1891 | 1/9/1970 | ||
Kallenbach | Oscar | 7/26/1885 | 11/17/1963 | ||
Kane | Janene C. (Hunter) | 5/5/1945 | 3/24/1998 | ||
Karst | August | 2/19/1888 | 12/5/1983 | Husand of Oakie Welty. | |
Karst | Julius | 2/24/1903 | 8/4/1904 | ||
Karst | Layton | 5/25/1926 | 12/7/2006 | Husband of Vera Irwin. | |
Karst | Oakie J. (Welty) | 5/8/1891 | 5/13/1949 | Wife of August Karst. | |
Kauhane | Lisa Catherine | 11/8/1962 | 11/9/1962 | ||
Kauhane | Gloria Ann (Schweitzer) | 3/5/1940 | 12/6/2010 | Obit | |
Keiswetter | Florence | 1/22/1931 | 4/13/1935 | ||
Keiswetter | Iris Enid | 5/9/1906 | 7/7/1982 | Our children Florence Ellen Jan. 22, 1931 Apr. 13, 1935 Robert Nov. 16, 1936 | Same stone as Walter Keiswetter. |
Keiswetter | Robert | 11/16/1936 | 11/16/1936 | ||
Keiswetter | Walter Ray | 9/25/1901 | 5/27/1980 | Our children Florence Ellen Jan. 22, 1931 Apr. 13, 1935 Robert Nov. 16, 1936 | Same stone as Iris Keiswetter. |
Keith | Bessie Lu | 8/29/2018 | Obit | ||
Keith | Carol Sue | 5/28/1954 | 5/28/1954 | ||
Keith | Claude L. | 6/16/1921 | 3/15/1976 | Pfc US Army; World War II | Son of Dorwood and Mary Keith. |
Keith | Sheila Diane | 6/17/1949 | 12/10/1954 | ||
Keleher | (Infant) | 1/30/1888 | 1/30/1888 | ||
Keleher | Ellen M. (Howland) | 11/18/1867 | 1/5/1942 | Mother | Same stone as Thomas Keleher. |
Keleher | James | 5/10/1880 | 6/9/1906 | ||
Keleher | Stillborn | ||||
Keleher | Thomas | 1868 | 1/6/1894 | Father | Same stone as Ellen (Howland) Keleher. |
Keleher | Thomas C. | 3/1/1894 | 12/28/1955 | ||
Keleher | Welle | 2/17/1898 | 7/29/1898 | ||
Keller | Ben | 3/15/1948 | |||
Kelley | Leroy | 7/13/1887 | |||
Kelley | Eliza | 1/15/1806 | 3/26/1901 | Grandmother of murder victim William Kelley; grave marked only by concrete tablet. | |
Kemp | Teresa Olive | 10/30/1924 | 3/30/2021 | Our children Sandra, Carol, Cheryl | Same stone as Virgil Kemp. |
Kemp | Virgil C. | 11/10/1920 | 3/30/1985 | Our children Sandra, Carol, Cheryl Also military marker: Amm1 US Navy; World War II | Same stone as Teresa Kemp. |
Kerbaugh | Lena A. | 3/21/1900 | 11/26/1998 | Same stone as Wallace Kerbaugh. | |
Kerbaugh | Wallace E. | 11/25/1900 | 9/1/1972 | Same stone as Lena Kerbaugh. | |
Kerr | Mary | 3/12/1907 | |||
Kerr | R. W. | 12/10/1817 | 10/5/1895 | ||
Kerr | William G. | 2/17/1850 | 4/27/1923 | ||
Kesselring | Charles W. | 5/20/1876 | 1/5/1941 | Same stone as Girtha Kesselring. | |
Kesselring | Girtha L. | 8/5/1878 | 3/31/1917 | Same stone as Charles Kesselring. | |
Kessler | Carrie Louise | 11/13/1858 | 3/20/1880 | ||
Kibler | Helen M. | 2/23/1905 | 8/31/1905 | ||
Kibler | Ida M. | 8/19/1856 | 7/26/1886 | Wife of A. Kibler; Aged 29 Ys. 11 M. 7 D. | Same stone as Winnie Kibler. Obit |
Kibler | Winnie A. | 2/4/1841 | 5/23/1893 | Wife of A. Kibler; Aged 52 Ys. 3 M. 16 D. Dearest Mother thou hast left us Here thy loss we deeply feel; But 'tis God that has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. | Same stone as Ida Kibler. |
Kincheloe | Elmer Kemp | 3/4/1879 | 3/2/1948 | Same stone as Zetta Kincheloe. | |
Kincheloe | Zetta Valetta | 11/14/1890 | 6/17/1975 | Same stone as Elmer Kincheloe. | |
King | Buford Leon | 3/8/1926 | 4/25/1934 | Son of Mr. & Mrs. E. M. King | |
King | Cecil Edmund "Eddie" | 4/17/1948 | 9/22/1968 | Our beloved son | |
King | Cecil Martin | 9/26/1915 | 10/28/2001 | Same stone as Fern (Jones) King. | |
King | Ernest M. "Deak" | 7/13/1887 | 3/28/1975 | Same stone as Grace King. | |
King | Fern (Jones) | 12/11/1920 | 10/12/2014 | Same stone as Cecil M. King. | |
King | George W. | 1891 | 1961 | ||
King | Grace May | 11/19/1892 | 2/29/1980 | Same stone as E. M. "Deak" King. | |
King | James Estell | 1/20/1854 | 4/23/1935 | ||
King | Oliver P. | 7/8/1846 | 4/15/1922 | ||
King | Rhoda | 1870 | 11/7/1936 | ||
King | Rossella Janet | 8/23/1854 | 3/8/1944 | ||
King | Ruth | 1/31/1892 | 3/25/1919 | ||
King | Tressie | 1891 | 1894 | ||
King | Velma Viola | 3/19/1929 | 6/29/1933 | ||
King | Verona May | 4/27/1920 | 10/28/1922 | ||
Klein | Ethel (Sandlin) | 2/28/1894 | 12/21/1983 | Daughter of Charles & Hettie Sandlin; wife of Harry Klein. | |
Klein | Harry | 8/23/1889 | 5/3/1969 | ||
Knox | Bert L. | 5/9/1877 | 8/28/1951 | Son of Thaddeus and Mary Knox. | |
Knox | Clara M. | 6/26/1890 | 6/15/1961 | Mom; We will meet again. | Same stone as Harley Knox. |
Knox | Harley M. | 7/23/1879 | 3/23/1949 | Dad; We will meet again. | Same stone as Clara Knox. |
Knox | Mary A. | 3/3/1853 | 2/7/1923 | Same stone as husband Thaddeus Knox. | |
Knox | Ray Clifford | 6/17/1919 | 7/2/1919 | ||
Knox | Thaddeus | 3/27/1842 | 12/30/1922 | Same stone as wife Mary Knox. | |
Kobler | (Infant) | 9/27/1912 | 9/30/1912 | Infant of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Kobler; our darling | |
Kobler | Albert James | 3/2/1893 | 3/13/1977 | ||
Kobler | Anna Jane (Davis) | 9/6/1890 | 7/7/1973 | Wife of Albert Kobler. Obit | |
Kobler | Carl (Dr.) | 5/18/1923 | 12/4/1993 | ||
Kobler | Ernest Louis | 8/1/1879 | 3/16/1960 | ||
Kobler | Frederick Paul | 8/31/1896 | 10/20/1918 | U. S. Sig. Co. | Husband of Edna Pearl Hatcher. Obit |
Kobler | John F. | 1/27/1844 | 4/16/1924 | ||
Kobler | Mary J. | 9/5/1856 | 5/20/1920 | ||
Kobler | Nellie E. | 11/19/1889 | 4/21/1962 | Obit | |
Kobler | Ruth Evelyn | 12/8/1913 | 10/1/1933 | ||
Kobler | William | 5/8/1964 | |||
Kornmeyer | Beulah | 10/21/1902 | 3/1/1982 | Same stone as Clarence Kornmeyer. | |
Kornmeyer | Clarence | 10/21/1894 | 12/15/1977 | Same stone as Beulah Kornmeyer. Also military marker: Sgt US Army; World War I | |
Lambert | James H. | 1888 | 2/24/1948 | ||
Lambert | James Ivan | 4/5/1920 | 12/27/1990 | ||
Lamphier | Isaac | 1821 | 1906 | Obit | |
Lamphier | Nancy A. | 12/20/1827 | 9/12/1896 | ||
Lane | D. R. | 11/1/1866 | 7/27/1887 | Departed this life; Aged 24y. 8m. 25d. | |
Lank | Blanche B. | 2/25/1883 | 12/7/1885 | Children of E. S. & Rachel | Same stone as Kenneth Lank. |
Lank | E. S. | 9/28/1856 | 4/21/1924 | Oddfellows emblem. | |
Lank | Kenneth | 5/31/1887 | 4/11/1890 | Children of E. S. & Rachel | Same stone as Blanche Lank. |
Lank | Rachel (Bennet) | 10/2/1857 | 4/8/1936 | ||
Larue | Abbie M. (Bass) | 10/1/1908 | 5/6/2002 | Married Abbie Bass Sept. 1, 1925 | Same stone as Ray Larue. |
Larue | Ray Lewis | 6/22/1903 | 3/13/1990 | Married Abbie Bass Sept. 1, 1925 | Same stone as Abbie Larue. |
Law | Alvin Lloyd | 9/19/1892 | 12/23/1953 | ||
Law | Edna Dorothy | 1900 | 3/18/1989 | Mother | Same stone as Frank & John Law. |
Law | Findley, M.D. | 11/4/1922 | 7/3/2007 | They loved the land and the people of Kansas | Same stone as wife Rita (Hickert) Law. Son of Ray and Dr. Lottie (Findley) Law. |
Law | Frank | 1897 | 1965 | Father | Same stone as Edna & John Law. |
Law | Frank R. | 11/23/1923 | 12/17/1970 | ||
Law | John A. | 1932 | 1953 | In memory of; Lost in action | Same stone as Frank & Edna Law. |
Law | Kevin Robert | 7/8/1955 | 8/18/1957 | Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven | |
Law | Kyle T. | 4/1/1960 | 1/11/2014 | Kyle shares a marker with Richard L. and Margaret Law. | |
Law | Larry E. | 7/4/1963 | Father | ||
Law | Lottie | 1926 | 1926 | Inf. dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Law | |
Law | Lottie Findley, M. D. | 1879 | 12/20/1964 | Affectionately known as Dr. Lottie to the residents of Graham County, she was the daughter of David and Mary (McFeatters) Findley and the wife of Ray Law. | |
Law | Margaret A. | 2/26/1935 | 3/23/2016 | Margaret shares a stone with Richard L. and Kyle T. Law. | |
Law | Mona (Kerbaugh) | 9/6/1889 | 7/28/1959 | ||
Law | Ray Lewis | 1888 | 1962 | Husband of Dr. Lottie (Findley) Law. | |
Law | Richard L. | 11/6/1934 | 9/29/2014 | Richard shares a marker with Margaret and Kyle Law. | |
Law | Rita (Hickert) | 8/1/1928 | 2/20/2008 | They loved the land and the people of Kansas | |
Lawlis | Ida Eoline | 10/1/1875 | 10/16/1946 | Same stone as husband J. Thomas Lawlis. Obit | |
Lawlis | James Thomas | 12/27/1860 | 5/1/1927 | Same stone as wife Ida Lawlis. Son of Reuben and Nancy (Rousey) Lawlis. Obit | |
Lawlis | Lauren L. | 9/21/1911 | 1/10/1986 | Capt. US Army World War II Korea | Former teacher. |
Lawlis | Reuben | 1824 | 4/28/1912 | Same stone as Sarah Lawlis. Obit | |
Lawlis | Sarah A. (White) | 1/10/1827 | 3/23/1897 | Same stone as Reuben Lawlis. Widow of Joseph Layman when she married Reuben Lawlis. | |
Lawlis | Velma Violet | 9/22/1898 | 1/17/1899 | Same stone as Walter Lawlis. Children of J. T. and Ida Lawlis. | |
Lawlis | Walter B. | 1/16/1910 | 1/16/1910 | Same stone as Velma Lawlis. Children of J. T. and Ida Lawlis. | |
Lee | David L. | 1/19/1853 | 2/2/1943 | Obit | |
Lee | Dennis Richard | 11/7/1941 | 44/1/1988 | ||
Lee | George W. | 9/17/1892 | 8/21/1952 | Same stone as Louise Lee. | |
Lee | John Michael | 4/25/1950 | 12/17/1983 | ||
Lee | Louise E. | 1896 | 12/23/1961 | Same stone as George Lee. | |
Lee | Richard E. | 1918 | 1966 | ||
Lee | Virginia R. | 5/3/1917 | 2/2/2003 | ||
Legere | (Infant) | 7/19/1887 | Newspaper item | ||
Legere | Clair M. | 7/5/1885 | 1/29/1922 | Obit | |
Legere | Dora E. | 1/22/1857 | 3/3/1928 | ||
Legere | John Hughes | 4/12/1861 | 2/27/1944 | ||
Leiker | Sharon O. (Fox) | 3/20/1940 | 4/27/2019 | Sharon was the granddaughter of John Leo and Lucy (Swaim) Fox. | |
Lemon | (Infant) | 7/2/1911 | 7/4/1911 | ||
Lemon | Benjamin R. | 1/3/1913 | 12/2/1995 | Home with God | |
Lemon | Clarence E | 8/26/1910 | 9/1/1910 | ||
Lemon | David Warren | 6/10/1933 | |||
Lemon | George Fred | 1872 | 12/1/1945 | Father | Same stone as wife Mary (Southern) Lemon. |
Lemon | Gladys Mae | 5/20/1905 | 12/23/1920 | She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lemon. | |
Lemon | Lena | 11/12/1909 | |||
Lemon | Levi Lewis | 2/22/1895 | 3/10/1968 | Kansas; Pvt HQ CO 353 Infantry; World War I | Son of George and Mary (Southern) Lemon. |
Lemon | Lottie | 1907 | 2009 | Daughter of George and Mary (Southern) Lemon. | |
Lemon | Mary Ann (Southern) | 1873 | 8/5/1958 | Mother | Same stone as husband George Lemon. |
Lemon | Ruth | 11/12/1909 | |||
Lewis | (Infant Twins) | 10/28/1903 | 10/29/1903 | ||
Lewis | Harriet Adella | 9/28/1886 | 12/4/1888 | Daughter of A.C. & D.W.; At rest | Sister of Ida Sterrett. |
Lewis | Mary E. | 5/26/1850 | 3/25/1915 | Wife of Addison Lewis; At rest | |
Libhart | Clarence E | 1884 | 10/31/1955 | Same stone as wife Sophronia (Clubb) Libhart. | |
Libhart | Marjorie E. (Steed) | 5/23/1917 | 9/28/2004 | Same stone as husband William Libhart. | |
Libhart | Sophronia (Clubb) | 6/6/1881 | 2/24/1953 | Same stone as husband Clarence Libhart. Daughter of Hiram and Nancy (Adams) Clubb. | |
Libhart | William R. | 7/17/1910 | 5/10/1958 | Same stone as wife Marjorie (Steed) Libhart. Son of Clarence and Sophronia (Clubb) Libhart. | |
Lilley | Alice (James) | 9/19/1917 | 1/26/1938 | ||
Lilly | Cora | 5/15/1856 | 8/25/1930 | ||
Lindley | Cyrus | 9/11/1855 | 12/14/1928 | Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. | |
Lindley | Delia J. | 1/4/1857 | 2/1/1932 | Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. | |
Litson | G. H., Major | Obit | |||
Lofstead | Josephine B. | 2/5/1877 | 8/15/1932 | ||
Logan | Donald Delaine | 3/5/1924 | 3/28/1924 | Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Logan | |
Logan | Forest J. | 1899 | 1966 | Same stone as Marie Logan. | |
Logan | John A. | 8/10/1906 | Union Pacific railroad worker who drowned. Family in Denver never located. | ||
Logan | Marie M. | 1901 | 1987 | Same stone as Forest Logan. | |
Logsdon | Coleen | 9/17/1959 | 9/19/1959 | ||
Lohness | Elizabeth | 1872 | 1962 | Same stone as Willard Lohness. | |
Lohness | Willard H. | 4/20/1872 | 8/22/1923 | Same stone as Elizabeth Lohness. | |
Longston | Eliza Ann | 1/21/1860 | 3/3/1909 | ||
Lott | Clarence E. | 5/15/1911 | 2/5/2002 | ||
Lott | Elsie B. | 7/31/1912 | 3/27/2008 | Same stone as Clarence Lott. | |
Lovelady | A. Jack | 1841 | 9/10/1916 | Same stone as Fannie Lovelady. | |
Lovelady | Adrian | 8/16/1901 | 2/1/1981 | Married 2/14/1928 | Same stone as Florence Lovelady. |
Lovelady | Elsie M. | 1872 | 12/20/1964 | Same stone as George Lovelady. | |
Lovelady | Fannie | 1847 | 11/26/1919 | Same stone as A. Jack Lovelady. Obit | |
Lovelady | Florence | 4/14/1910 | 9/3/1975 | Married 2/14/1928 | Same stone as Adrian Lovelady. |
Lovelady | George | 1930 | 2008 | Mortuary marker. | |
Lovelady | George W. | 1870 | 2/22/1945 | Same stone as Elsie Lovelady. | |
Lovelady | Gregory Lynn "Luf" | 12/31/1958 | 7/25/2017 | ||
Lovelady | Kenneth | 8/14/1929 | 1/16/1995 | Kenneth married Sharon Hardman August 14, 1955. Our loving sons Greg & Mike. | Same stone as Sharon (Hardman) Lovelady. Also military marker: Sgt US Army; Korea |
Lovelady | Sharon (Hardman) | 1/15/1933 | 1/1/2009 | Kenneth married Sharon Hardman August 14, 1955. Our loving sons Greg & Mike. | Same stone as Kenneth Lovelady. |
Luck | James | 12/18/1923 | Same stone as Lawrence Luck. | ||
Luck | John Amos | 3/5/1870 | 10/10/1963 | ||
Luck | Laura May | 9/21/1876 | 8/2/1958 | ||
Luck | Lawrence Gail | 3/29/1912 | 4/13/1915 | Same stone as James Luck. | |
Luck | Leo | 1907 | 1951 | Husband | |
Lungman | Fred Wilka | 10/10/1858 | 1/10/1936 | ||
Mackey | (Infant) | 1/20/1916 | 1/20/1916 | Vernacular concrete marker; broken & difficult to read. | |
Maclin | Willie | 12/25/1915 | 8/15/1985 | ||
Magee | (Infant) | 12/20/1889 | Son of L. W. & A. M. Magee | ||
Maier | Christina Elizabeth | 7/30/1865 | 5/18/1956 | Mother | |
Maier | Henry | 5/6/1869 | 12/4/1897 | Father | |
Malin | Hannah | 5/14/1816 | 10/16/1881 | Wife of John Malin; Aged 65y. 5m. 2d. | |
Manaugh | Josephine | 1874 | 10/31/1964 | Same stone as Willis Manaugh. | |
Manaugh | Willis A. | 1873 | 6/9/1956 | Same stone as Josephine Manaugh. | |
Mason | Frank | 6/9/1890 | Newspaper item | ||
Mauck | (Infant) | ||||
Mauck | Elizabeth H. | 1887 | 5/1/1941 | Mother | |
Mauck | George A. | 2/3/1920 | 6/19/1989 | ||
Mauck | Joel A. | 1881 | 1944 | Father | |
Mauck | Verna Mae (Scott) | 5/27/1929 | 1/23/2023 | Obit | |
Mauck | Vesta Veryl | 8/5/1921 | 12/9/1997 | ||
Mauck | Victor Leroy | 11/18/1932 | 2/13/1934 | ||
Mauck | Wilbur | 7/3/1916 | 2/24/1955 | ||
Maulsby | Corwin Lank | 12/28/1856 | 7/21/1926 | At rest | Husband of Susan (Flynn) Maulsby. |
Maulsby | Henry F. | 5/12/1902 | 7/16/1966 | Son of Corwin L. & Susan J. Maulsby | |
Maulsby | Laura V. | 11/5/1894 | 9/25/1906 | Dau of C. L. & S. J. | |
Maulsby | Susan Jane (Flynn) | 9/15/1858 | 7/1/1920 | Daughter of William and Margaret (Cook) Flynn. | |
Maupin | (Infant) | 2/15/1925 | 2/15/1925 | ||
Maupin | Charles C. | 8/30/1891 | 3/31/1969 | Same stone as wife Essie (White) Maupin. | |
Maupin | Essie Lidia (White) | 7/7/1901 | 6/25/1995 | Same stone as husband Charles Maupin. | |
McAllister | Fred Albert | 1/2/1951 | 6/28/2019 | Former teacher and coach at Hill City High School. Obit | |
McCartney | F. P., Jr. | 11/21/1925 | 1/25/1926 | ||
McCartney | Grace | 6/10/1909 | 9/10/1931 | Obit | |
McCauley | Blanche | 10/27/1910 | 9/24/2001 | Married 5/28/1930 | Same stone as Robert McCauley. Her second husband was Francis "Frank" Sonntag. (Same person as Sonntag, Blanche.) |
McCauley | Robert | 1910 | 10/2/1979 | Married 5/28/1930 | Same stone as Blanche McCauley. |
McClure | Sarah Elizabeth | 1/29/1844 | 12/31/1916 | Same stone as William McClure. | |
McClure | William M. | 9/13/1838 | 2/2/1935 | Same stone as Sarah McClure. Obit | |
McColm | David R. | 5/24/1901 | |||
McCormick | William C. | 1/12/1885 | 9/15/1945 | ||
McDaniel | Elizabeth | 9/15/1876 | 2/3/1916 | ||
McFarland | Calvin H. | 1/28/1879 | 11/28/1938 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. | |
McFarland | Hettie Esther | 11/21/1880 | 1/19/1961 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. | |
McFarland | John Calvin "J. C." | 3/16/1843 | 2/11/1916 | Father | Same stone as Lucinda. |
McFarland | Lucinda L. (Seavey) | 11/2/1878 | 5/24/1924 | Mother | Same stone as J. C. |
McGee | (Infant) | ||||
McGehee | E. C. | 3/1890 | Obit | ||
McGill | (Infant Twins) | 2/1886 | Infant twins of Mr. & Mrs. T. H. McGill | Same stone as infant twin. | |
McGill | Almira V. (Akers) | 6/15/1888 | Unmarked. Obit | ||
McGill | Birch | 1/20/1897 | Obit | ||
McGill | Frances Maria | 7/4/1884 | 1/28/1949 | Wife of Lucien McGill | |
McGill | Lena Libby (Garnett) | 4/11/1866 | 8/26/1929 | Mother | Same stone as husband Thomas McGill. Daughter of Thomas and Tirzilla (Blizzard) Garnett. |
McGill | Lucien R., M. D. | 8/3/1884 | 2/13/1970 | First male child born in Hill City | Son of Thomas and Lena (Garnett) McGill, husband of Frances Maria McGill. |
McGill | Thomas Henry | 1856 | 11/23/1939 | Father | Same stone as wife Lena (Garnett) McGill. |
McIntosh | Barbara E. | 1830 | 1885 | ||
McKenzie | Martha | ||||
McKisson | Cleona Ruth | 7/7/1906 | 5/8/1916 | Aged 9 Yrs 10 Mos. 1 Da.; Dau of H. E. & M. | The obit states burial in Roscoe Cemetery but her marker is in Hill City Cemetery. |
McKisson | Herbert E. | 3/30/1884 | 5/11/1949 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. Same stone as Minnie McKisson. | |
McKisson | John Carl | 4/7/1903 | 3/30/1955 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. | |
McKisson | Mary Helen | 4/23/1910 | 2/17/1936 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. Obit | |
McKisson | Maud Bessie (McFarland) | 4/28/1885 | 11/24/1951 | Same stone as William V. McKisson. | |
McKisson | Minnie D. | 8/5/1884 | 5/26/1971 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. Same stone as Herbert McKisson. | |
McKisson | Paul F. | 6/6/1915 | 11/19/1944 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. | |
McKisson | Wayne William | 2/16/1921 | 1/22/1949 | Buried in J. C. McFarland lot. | |
McKisson | William VanBuren | 11/26/1878 | 2/3/1943 | Same stone as Maud McKisson. Obit | |
McMahon | Caroline L. "Carrie" | 3/4/1828 | 8/19/1918 | Same stone as Jesse McMahon. | |
McMahon | Jesse C. | 7/22/1811 | 12/23/1889 | Same stone as Carrie McMahon. Obit | |
McManamie | Mary Isabelle | 3/13/1859 | 2/1914 | ||
McManamie | Thomas J. | 12/16/1835 | 6/18/1917 | ||
McVey | Arthur Ward | 4/6/1859 | 1/17/1937 | First wife was Safrona Flynn; second wife was Ella Cummings. | |
McVey | Elizabeth A. | 1887 | 1967 | ||
McVey | Ella Florence (Cummings) | 11/27/1862 | 5/5/1935 | Daughter of William and Sarah (Harsha) Cummings; second wife of Arthur McVey. | |
McVey | George W. | 1857 | 1/28/1938 | ||
McVey | James O. | 1886 | 11/4/1977 | ||
McVey | James Oliver | 6/17/1921 | 3/27/1922 | ||
McVey | Linda M. | 12/27/1858 | 12/1/1953 | Obit | |
McVey | Mary Ann (Lewis) | 10/6/1930 | 11/13/2016 | ||
McVey | Mick | ||||
McVey | Sarah E. (Moore) | 3/6/1866 | 1/5/1929 | Wife of W. A. McVey | |
McVey | William A. | 7/6/1846 | 3/23/1919 | ||
Messick | Edith M. | 7/16/1858 | 1/30/1934 | ||
Messick | Frederick | 8/31/1863 | 2/19/1935 | ||
Messick | Harriet Zelida York | 7/2/1835 | 11/5/1924 | ||
Messick | Jessie Lodema | 6/23/1854 | 1/6/1930 | Wife of L. Messick | |
Messick | Leander | 8/20/1857 | 2/24/1941 | ||
Messick | Lodema Z. | 11/14/1889 | 5/28/1915 | Our dear daughter | Obit |
Meyer | (Infant) | 9/25/1895 | 10/21/1895 | ||
Meyer | Amelia S. | 10/1/1887 | 10/27/1974 | Mother; Married Nov. 5, 1908 | Same stone as Louis Meyer. |
Meyer | Gladys G. Scranton | 7/3/1905 | 7/26/1981 | Same person as listing for Gladys Scranton. | |
Meyer | Leopold, Sr. | 12/4/1838 | 1919 | ||
Meyer | Louis R. | 4/21/1887 | 12/9/1955 | Father; Married Nov. 5, 1908 | Same stone as Amelia Meyer. |
Meyer | Marx | 2/11/1899 | 5/21/1921 | ||
Meyer | Oscar | 5/11/1872 | 3/11/1956 | Obit | |
Meyer | Pauline | 7/22/1839 | 2/2/1920 | ||
Meyer | Pena | 3/22/1872 | 6/16/1968 | Obit | |
Meyer | Richard | 12/7/1875 | 6/4/1917 | ||
Meyer | Sina Raum | 3/16/1868 | 12/24/1928 | ||
Michael | Arden | 1881 | 1968 | ||
Michael | Delbert A. | 6/10/1914 | 5/17/1979 | Son of Arden and Nellie (Ferrin) Michael; husband of Thelma Stinemetz. | |
Michael | Donald Kent | 8/22/1937 | 4/2/2012 | Married on January 7, 1967 to Frances Nadene Young Jan. 10, 1929 - Sept. 13, 2004 Also military marker: SP4 US Army | Wife of Vernon Michael. |
Michael | Elsie I. (Deines) | 10/29/1912 | 5/5/2002 | Married Oct. 12, 1932 | Wife of Vernon Michael. |
Michael | Frank Sherman | 11/18/1864 | 4/24/1928 | ||
Michael | Mary Jane | 11/7/1845 | 12/29/1928 | ||
Michael | Nellie Grace | 1884 | 1952 | ||
Michael | Thelma Mae (Stinemetz) | 10/29/1923 | 10/17/2012 | Obit | |
Michael | Vernon L. | 11/10/1907 | 1/1/1980 | Married Oct. 12, 1932 | Son of Arden and Nellie (Ferrin) Michael; husband of Elsie Deines. |
Michael | William | 5/8/1933 | 3/21/1997 | ||
Michaelis | (Infant) | 1/4/1915 | 1/5/1915 | ||
Michaelis | (Infant) | 6/7/1906 | 6/7/1906 | ||
Michaelis | Carl G. | 2/5/1902 | 3/27/1988 | ||
Michaelis | David Lee | 4/5/1932 | 10/9/1958 | ||
Michaelis | Fredrick | 5/30/1906 | 2/5/1970 | ||
Michaelis | Henry | 5/10/1900 | 5/4/1916 | Son of Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Michaelis | |
Michaelis | John Peter | 3/12/1870 | 12/15/1939 | Father | |
Michaelis | Katherine M. | 11/21/1870 | 6/21/1930 | Mother | |
Michaelis | Katy | 9/20/1892 | 3/8/1899 | Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Michaelis | |
Michaelis | Minnie E. | 7/30/1909 | 5/24/1986 | ||
Mildrexter | Alpha | 12/21/1881 | 6/2/1953 | Obit | |
Miles | Harry | 10/20/1888 | |||
Miller | Bonnie | 9/26/1938 | 1/9/2004 | ||
Miller | Charles F. | 12/18/1872 | 4/8/1964 | ||
Miller | Della | 7/17/1884 | 4/25/1979 | Same stone as Stephen Miller. | |
Miller | Ellen Lavonn "Bonnie" | 9/26/1938 | 1/9/2004 | ||
Miller | Henry R. | 1833 | 5/5/1894 | Same stone as Rosanna Miller. | |
Miller | Julia (Stam) | 1/17/1884 | 8/1/1902 | Wife of H. C. Miller | |
Miller | Mary M. | 2/9/1828 | 4/4/1898 | ||
Miller | Mary Priscilla | ||||
Miller | Rosanna | 3/18/1835 | 5/19/1902 | His wife | Same stone as Henry R. Miller. |
Miller | Stephen | 12/14/1863 | 7/9/1935 | Same stone as Della Miller. | |
Mitchell | George R. | 6/18/1874 | 4/5/1934 | Husband | |
Mitchell | Gladys | 5/26/1898 | 2/27/1989 | Wife of George | |
Mitchell | Mary | 9/11/1810 | 6/8/1889 | ||
Mock | Mary | 5/15/1835 | 9/1906 | ||
Montgomery | Esther | 1904 | 1964 | ||
Montgomery | George | 1/23/1865 | 1/25/1934 | ||
Montgomery | John F. | 1898 | 3/16/1972 | ||
Montgomery | Mary H. | 5/16/1867 | 7/7/1934 | ||
Moon | Cornelius B. | 6/20/1921 | 9/29/1928 | ||
Moor | Lauisa (Karst) | 6/28/1869 | 5/24/1943 | ||
Moore | Adelbert R. | 4/12/1912 | 4/19/1912 | This is listed for lot #2-1-3. One of these two entries is probably a typo. | |
Moore | Adelbert R. | 6/12/1912 | 6/12/1912 | This is listed for lot #2-16-3. One of these two entries is probably a typo. | |
Moore | Jen Mary | 6/29/1958 | Passed away (death date) | ||
Moore | John Morison | 10/18/1900 | 9/21/1982 | ||
Moore | Margaret | 10/31/1900 | 11/8/1979 | ||
Moore | Mary E. (Craig) | 10/26/1872 | 4/24/1941 | Daughter of Hugh and Jane (Stevenson) Craig. Mary's first husband was Jay Kerfoot and her second was William Moore. | |
Moore | William W. "Bill" | 1870 | 1951 | Second husband of Mary (Craig) Moore. | |
Morphew | Earl | 10/12/1888 | 6/6/1950 | Same stone as Ida Morphew. | |
Morphew | Ida D. | 2/11/1886 | 4/14/1982 | Same stone as Earl Morphew. | |
Morris | (Infant) | 8/19/1926 | 8/19/1926 | ||
Morris | Alvin Grant | 2/27/1870 | 1/11/1921 | ||
Morris | Bessie Mae | 3/6/1894 | 4/9/1994 | ||
Morris | Blanche | 5/3/1893 | 3/8/1983 | Same stone as Frank Morris. | |
Morris | Bobby Tain | 1/6/1958 | 9/3/2016 | ||
Morris | Charles Edward | 3/6/1936 | 12/30/2020 | ||
Morris | David Gordon | 11/4/1903 | 7/3/1941 | ; | Obit |
Morris | Donald Eugene | 10/7/1934 | 8/28/1952 | ||
Morris | Dorthea A. (Selby) | 9/5/1901 | 7/14/1995 | ||
Morris | Earl, Pvt. | 3/3/1892 | 10/5/1918 | In our country's service; Son of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Morris; Died in Brest, France; Med. Apt. B. H. 88 | |
Morris | Ellen Rebecca | 1/29/1945 | Mother | ||
Morris | Florence E. | 1888 | 3/8/1989 | Same stone as J. Arthur Morris. | |
Morris | Frank | 9/11/1894 | 8/23/1964 | Same stone as Blanche Morris. | |
Morris | Gertrude V. | 12/4/1985 | |||
Morris | Harold Eugene | 2/3/1934 | 1/8/1935 | Inf. son of Robert | |
Morris | Helen M. | 8/4/1909 | 9/20/1995 | Married Nov. 11, 1924; The Lord is my shepherd. | Same stone as husband Robert L. Morris. |
Morris | Herman Andrew | 1901 | 9/16/1970 | ||
Morris | Hesba Eleanor | 7/5/1873 | 12/23/1943 | ||
Morris | Howard Everett | 1889 | 1944 | ||
Morris | James Arthur | 6/6/1890 | 3/12/1959 | Same stone as Florence Morris. | |
Morris | James William | 1860 | 1935 | Father | |
Morris | Karen Kay (Goodrow) | 2/19/1939 | 12/19/2016 | ||
Morris | Kenneth | 4/9/1900 | 8/31/1968 | ||
Morris | Kenneth Eugene | 11/15/1928 | 11/16/1928 | ||
Morris | La Verne | 1898 | 1984 | ||
Morris | Lawrence Duane | 1/3/1926 | 12/20/1997 | Tec 3 US Army; World War II | |
Morris | Lola | ||||
Morris | Louisa | 3/25/1833 | 2/24/1904 | Wife of Zachariah Morris. | |
Morris | Orval Wayne | 4/24/1921 | 4/24/1921 | Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Morris | |
Morris | Robert L. | 10/26/1906 | 10/21/1994 | Married Nov. 11, 1924; The Lord is my shepherd. | Same stone as wife Helen Morris. |
Morris | Robert Richard | 8/6/1932 | 2/20/1932 | Inf. son of Robert | |
Morris | Thelma Igne | 3/8/1904 | 7/13/1947 | ||
Morris | Vivia | 5/11/1903 | |||
Morris | Zachariah | 6/11/1831 | 8/31/1912 | Husband of Louisa Morris. | |
Morse | George | 4/2/1844 | 6/20/1918 | Same stone as Louise Morse. | |
Morse | Louise Caroline | 3/22/1867 | 8/9/1942 | Same stone as George Morse. | |
Mort | Aaron | 8/12/1848 | 4/20/1925 | Father | |
Mort | Alvin Ross | 1875 | 2/1948 | ||
Mort | Anna Allene | 1909 | 3/8/1976 | ||
Mort | Charlotte G. (Dahlberg) | 5/27/1843 | 9/27/1932 | Mother | |
Mort | Ivan Roy | 1878 | 3/23/1969 | ||
Mort | Mary Emily | 11/12/1876 | 1/24/1936 | ||
Mort | Myra L. | 1878 | 5/9/1942 | ||
Moser | Candice Kay | 10/2/1987 | 6/1/1988 | ||
Moyers | Fae | 4/14/1899 | 5/4/1904 | Dau of P. A. & B. H. | |
Mullaney | Emmaline | 8/2/1916 | |||
Mullaney | Hershel K. | 12/7/1891 | 7/13/1897 | ||
Mullaney | John | 12/18/1884 | 11/5/1902 | ||
Mullaney | Mary J. | 7/25/1855 | 8/6/1901 | ||
Munson | Effie | 1943 | |||
Munson | George B. | 4/7/1859 | 5/9/1931 | ||
Munson | Hope Jones | 3/13/1893 | 12/10/1928 | ||
Myers | (Infant) | 8/8/1911 | 8/19/1911 | ||
Myers | Marana A. | 2/18/1846 | 10/27/1908 | Wife of Samuel W. Myers | |
Myers | Samuel W. | 9/3/1843 | 3/23/1922 | Cpl Co F 28 Regt Iowa Inf; Civil War | |
Myers | Sarah Ellen | 12/9/1918 | |||
Myers | W. S. | 11/13/1870 | 2/11/1914 | At rest | |
Naiman | Harold J. | 3/17/1929 | 6/17/1981 | Son of John and Viola (Loe) Naiman. | |
Naiman | John Fred | 1898 | 1951 | Daddy | Same stone as wife Viola (Loe) Naiman. |
Naiman | Viola Mae (Loe) | 1898 | 1985 | Mamma | Same stone as husband John Naiman. |
Naylor | Pearl | 1876 | 1961 | Also listed as Pearl Gupton. | |
Neeley | George B. | 1883 | 1968 | ||
Neeley | Henry C. | 1/23/1854 | 11/25/1896 | ||
Neeley | Julia H. | 1855 | 1956 | ||
Neilson | Louise | 1/19/1929 | |||
Nesbitt | Alex | 1859 | 12/20/1920 | In loving memory of | Same stone as Louise Nesbitt. |
Nesbitt | George | 7/4/1866 | 6/28/1955 | ||
Nesbitt | Louise Caroline | 9/19/1854 | 2/25/1926 | In loving memory of; His wife | Same stone as Alex Nesbitt. |
Nettleton | Isadore C. | 12/18/1848 | 9/25/1927 | Aged 78y. 9m. 7d. | Same stone as William Nettleton. |
Nettleton | William B. | 10/8/1848 | 8/3/1917 | Aged 68y. 9m. 25d. | Same stone as Isadore Nettleton. |
Neu | (Infant) | 10/1895 | |||
Neu | Pauline (Meyer) | 2/12/1871 | 10/11/1895 | Dau of L. & P. Meyer | |
Nevins | Mary | 1/12/1863 | 4/24/1919 | ||
Nevins | Sidney Schofield | 3/4/1852 | 5/1/1935 | ||
Newman | Grover Cleveland | 6/14/1894 | 10/6/1925 | ||
Nicholson | George Milford | 1/21/1894 | 11/13/1978 | Married 10/31/1917 | Same stone as Phila E. Nicholson. |
Nicholson | Manuella Olney | 1901 | 10/1942 | Stone is simply inscribed Manuella Olney 1901-1942 | |
Nicholson | Phila Elizabeth | 4/11/1894 | 12/24/1986 | Married 10/31/1917 | Same stone as George M. Nicholson. |
Noe | Jennie Bell | 8/25/1885 | 5/7/1914 | ||
Noel | (Infant) Daughter | 9/17/1917 | 9/22/1917 | Infant dau. of Mr. & Mrs. A.M. | |
Norrish | Ira George | 8/19/1873 | 10/9/1923 | Husband of Minnie Clary. | |
Norrish | Minnie F. (Clary) | 1/29/1872 | 9/7/1953 | Wife of Ira Norrish. | |
Northrop | Donald | 1/1/1903 | 1/1/1903 | Same stone as Lynn Northrop. | |
Northrop | Lynn | 1/1/1903 | 1/1/1903 | Same stone as Donald Northrop. | |
Odle | Cora Edith | 9/25/1901 | 6/21/1993 | ||
Odle | Cora M. | 1879 | 1966 | ||
Odle | Florence E. | 7/7/1898 | 6/18/1952 | ||
Odle | Irvin | ||||
Odle | Lyle | 1906 | 8/30/1916 | Obit | |
Odle | Marion D. | 10/27/1877 | 4/1/1955 | ||
Odle | Richard H. | 1877 | 6/2/1957 | ||
Ohman | Ernest L. | 1898 | 4/3/1973 | ||
Ohman | Ernest L., Jr. | 5/27/1922 | 5/24/1996 | ||
Ohman | Genevieve M. | 12/10/1921 | 7/12/1988 | ||
Ohman | Lottie Nell | 1905 | 3/25/1973 | ||
Orellana | Virginia Pearl (Scott) | 7/24/1940 | 10/23/2011 | Obit | |
Owens | Orange M. | 8/9/1894 |
Contributor: Site-owner, with special thanks to the City of Hill City.
Please Note: All photographs are the property of the submitters and may not be used without their permission.
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Last updated 5 February 2025.